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Live Healthy Program (by Hot Feet Fitness)
Live Healthy Book
Welcome & Overview (1:21)
Why I Started Living Healthy (1:48)
What is in this Course? (2:07)
Skinny Fat (0:58)
How to be Successful & Reach Your Goals... (3:15)
20-Mile March Applies to our Health (2:30)
Rogers Recovery From AIDS (1:48)
My Story (4:31)
What is Metastasized Cancer? (1:31)
Health, Fitness and Weight Loss Guide (1:39)
Why I’m Excited to Teach This Course (1:53)
It’s Your Turn - Homework (0:36)
Introduction Quiz
Physical Activity
Physical Activity is NOT the Highest Priority (but it is important) (2:51)
Advantages of Living Active (3:06)
5-Minute Workout (2:46)
Physical Activity Wrap-Up Homework (2:11)
Physical Activity Quiz
Living vs Dead Food
What I Avoid Eating? (1:24)
What are Living Foods? (2:22)
What are Dead Foods? (2:04)
SAD - Standard American Diet (1:35)
How is SAD Different than the Intended Diet? (4:56)
How Does Living Food Become Dead Food? (1:18)
Excitotoxins - Ut-O (3:25)
Animal Products (4:03)
Dairy (aka: poison) (2:19)
Continuing Education (3:10)
Flavorings, Etc. (1:25)
How To: Get Fat... Sick… or a Disease (dis-ease) (1:09)
My Vegish Life (4:38)
Living vs Dead Food Quiz
Intro - Cleansing (3:39)
How Does Disease Enter the Body? (3:55)
My Magic Ingredient For Deficiency (0:44)
Disease Started in the Colon (5:12)
How Does Our Digestive System Work? (3:06)
Cleaning Out the Lungs (5:49)
Detoxification Tips for the Lungs (2:07)
The Skin (3:01)
Other Detoxifying Organs (1:27)
Juicing (1:12)
Your Turn (3:05)
Cleansing Quiz
Air, Water & Sunshine
Intro - Air, Water & Sunshine (1:14)
Why We Need Air (7:19)
Why We Need Water (4:56)
The Benefits of Pure Water (1:45)
What is the World's Best Water Filter? (5:33)
Where do I Get the Purest Water? (2:01)
Water Wrap-Up (1:45)
Sunshine & Why We Need It! (7:56)
Toxicity & Deficiency - Air (1:37)
Toxicity & Deficiency - Water (1:54)
Toxicity & Deficiency - Sunshine (2:13)
Your Turn - Connect with the Community (1:13)
Air, Water & Sunshine Quiz
Stress, Rest & Emotions
Intro - Stress, Rest & Emotions (2:10)
Stress (6:05)
Good Stress (0:53)
Stressors (7:02)
How Do We Respond to Stress? (2:56)
How To Respond to Stress? (2:33)
Rest (4:04)
Emotions (6:09)
Emotions, (continued) (3:09)
Conscious Mind vs. Sub-Conscious (1:39)
Wrap-Up Stress, Rest, & Emotion (6:38)
Happy Thoughts (2:34)
Tips & Tricks to Manage Stress, Rest & Emotions (2:00)
Stress, Rest & Emotions Quiz
Education & Revelation
Intro - Education & Revelation (4:37)
Education & Revelations (5:46)
Challenging Our Belief System (3:54)
How to Peruse Health & Wellness Resources (4:01)
Becoming a Life Long Learner (5:44)
You Are Not Going to be Perfect (5:24)
Your Turn (3:31)
Education & Revelation Quiz
Food & Recipes
Intro - Food & Recipes (1:47)
Time to Clean Your House (5:57)
You Can Do It (5:18)
Food & Recipes Quiz
Final Word
You Are Making the Change (7:58)
My Story
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